This was followed by the Drama, which included The Reduced Shakespeare Company's comic take on Romeo and Juliet (performed by 3 year 9 pupils) which was both hilarious and a real credit to the independent work of the cast, who gave up several weeks of lunch times to prepare. This was followed by a devised version of Alice In Wonderland, which featured year 7s who come to the weekly drama club. They created the play themselves, which is a very impressive achievement from pupils in their first year in secondary school (video here) Finally, year 10 pupils performed an extract from living with Lady Macbeth... some many have been a bit too convincing as manipulative 'mean girls' bullying poor Lilly Morgan- rest assured it was just acting; no student's feelings were harmed in the making of this performance- though sadly the battery ran out on the camera. |
Despite the lack of an actual tent, the Performing Arts stage at the Summer Fayre was a great success. firstly there was the excellent Jazz ensemble, who added great atmosphere to the day, playing for a solid hour and getting everyone in a good mood for the day ahead. |