Naturalism- Theatre that attempts to create a perfect illusion of reality; uses realistic and detailed sets, authentic speech patterns, detailed costumes and 'truthful' acting.
The System
Motivation- what is the reason for the character to be doing what they are doing?
Objective- what a character is trying to achieve at a given moment.
Super Objective- What the character is ultimately trying to achieve for the whole play.
Unit- When an actor's objective changes a new unit begins
Imagination- An actor must imagine details in order to give their character a strong back story
Subtext- The way in which a line or action is delivered and what it hints to
Emotion Memory- An actor finds real emotions in their past and uses these to portray the emotion on stage, presenting 'real' emotions.
Magic If- In order to create a 'real' response the actor imagines how they would react if they were in this situation- 'If this really was the middle of winter what would I do?' 'If my sister really was injured what how would i react?'
Given Circumstances- Everything that has happened to the character up to the moment they are in the room, this is often 'imagined' by the actor and director or given as clues in the text by the playwright. By knowing what a character has done in their life before the scene, an actor can play the role appropriately.
Method of Physical Action- An actor unlocks subconscious emotions by using repetitive physical action to unlock them.
Tempo Rhythm- A person has an inner and an outer rhythm, through subtlety an actor can portray these both at the same time- eg the panicked liar trying to 'play it cool' or 'the soldier slowly sneaking through no mans land'
Circles of Attention- imagine you have several circle around you (like ripples in a pond) hold your focus within these small spaces and see how this effects your characters engagement (eg the first circle will be very insular)
Motivation- what is the reason for the character to be doing what they are doing?
Objective- what a character is trying to achieve at a given moment.
Super Objective- What the character is ultimately trying to achieve for the whole play.
Unit- When an actor's objective changes a new unit begins
Imagination- An actor must imagine details in order to give their character a strong back story
Subtext- The way in which a line or action is delivered and what it hints to
Emotion Memory- An actor finds real emotions in their past and uses these to portray the emotion on stage, presenting 'real' emotions.
Magic If- In order to create a 'real' response the actor imagines how they would react if they were in this situation- 'If this really was the middle of winter what would I do?' 'If my sister really was injured what how would i react?'
Given Circumstances- Everything that has happened to the character up to the moment they are in the room, this is often 'imagined' by the actor and director or given as clues in the text by the playwright. By knowing what a character has done in their life before the scene, an actor can play the role appropriately.
Method of Physical Action- An actor unlocks subconscious emotions by using repetitive physical action to unlock them.
Tempo Rhythm- A person has an inner and an outer rhythm, through subtlety an actor can portray these both at the same time- eg the panicked liar trying to 'play it cool' or 'the soldier slowly sneaking through no mans land'
Circles of Attention- imagine you have several circle around you (like ripples in a pond) hold your focus within these small spaces and see how this effects your characters engagement (eg the first circle will be very insular)